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(福州市市场监管监测服务中心,福建 福州 350001)

摘  要:文章以福州市市场监管预警平台归集整合的企业监管数据为基础,从企业注册地址、企业主要人员、代理注册情况和企业行为等多个方面进行企业虚假注册风险指标的提取,运用聚类分析和关联分析等算法,并结合监管经验对近年来福州市企业虚假注册案例及企业经营异常数据进行挖掘分析,构建企业虚假注册风险预警模型。主动发现企业虚假注册风险,为市场监管提供参考,提升日常监管的针对性和靶向性。



基金项目:2020 年福建省市场监督管理局科技项目(FJMS2020039)

中图分类号:TP391                                        文献标识码:A                                文章编号:2096-4706(2022)14-0092-05

Construction of False Registration Risk Early Warning Model for Enterprises

WU Biwen, ZHOU Jin, SHI Lixia, MENG Lixia

(Fuzhou Market Supervision and Monitoring Service Center, Fuzhou 350001, China)

Abstract: Based on the enterprise supervision data collected and integrated by the market supervision and early warning platform of Fuzhou City, this paper extracts enterprise false registration risk indicators from multiple aspects such as enterprise registration address, enterprise main personnel, agent registration situation and enterprise behavior, and uses algorithms such as clustering analysis and association analysis and combined with the supervision experience, this paper mines and analyzes the false registration cases and abnormal business operation data of Fuzhou enterprises in recent years, so as to construct the enterprise false registration risk early warning model. Actively discovers enterprise false registration risks, provides reference for market supervision, and improves the pertinence and targeting of daily supervision.

Keywords: clustering analysis; association analysis; false registration


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