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基于人工智能技术的农村商业银行客户关系管理 系统的分析与设计
(帝国理工学院,英国 伦敦 SW72AZ)

摘  要:随着同质化的金融服务在科技产品上的大量涌现,农村商业银行不断地面临经营模式滞后、客户关系管理不完善的巨大挑战。为了加强与客户之间的联系,提升客户关系管理效率,文章建议农村商业银行建立引入人工智能技术的客户关系管理系统。其中,文本挖掘、聚类分析和随机森林学习可以自动高效地处理客户信息,为客户提供精准营销服务并发掘更多商机。



中图分类号:TP18;TP311                                     文献标识码:A                               文章编号:2096-4706(2022)14-0097-07

Analysis and Design of Customer Relationship Management System for Rural Commercial Bank Based on Artificial Intelligence Technology


(Imperial College London, London SW72AZ, British)

Abstract: With the emergence of a large number of homogeneous financial services in technological products, rural commercial banks continue to face the huge challenges of lagging business models and imperfect customer relationship management. In order to strengthen the connection with customers and improve the efficiency of customer relationship management, this paper recommends that rural commercial banks establish a customer relationship management system introducing Artificial Intelligence technology. Among them, text mining, clustering analysis and random forest learning can automatically and efficiently process customer information, provide customers with precision marketing services and explore more business opportunities.

Keywords: rural commercial bank; Customer Relationship Management (CRM) system; Artificial Intelligence (AI); text mining, clustering; random forest


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