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(广东省气象探测数据中心,广东 广州 510080)

摘  要:科技发展日新月异,投入应用的气象观测设备种类越来越多,为了解决国家级气象器材基础编码涵盖不全、省级气象器材编码信息不足的问题,通过国家级基础编码生成的条码末位增加 2 个字节作为编码扩展号的方法,在不改变基础编码规则的条件下,成功地实现了气象器材门类的灵活扩展,自动识别多级管理归属地和自动分类出入库管理,适应基于物联网技术的气象器材管理需要。在广东省气象器材管理系统中实现并应用,运行效果良好。



基金项目: 广东省重点领域研发计 划( 对接国家重大科技专项 ) 项 目(2020B1111200001);广东省重点领域研发计划项目(2020B0101130021)

中图分类号:TP14                                              文献标志码:A                                   文章编号:2096-4706(2022)14-0103-07

Design and Implementation of Provincial Meteorological Equipment Coding Extension Technology

LYU Xueqin, HE Yanli, HUANG Hongzhi, AO Zhenlang

(Guangdong Meteorological Observation and Data Center, Guangzhou 510080, China)

Abstract: With the rapid development of science and technology, more and more types of meteorological observation equipment are put into use. In order to solve the problems of incomplete coverage of the basic code of national meteorological equipment and insufficient coding information of provincial meteorological equipment, through the method of adding 2 bytes as the encode extension number in the last barcode generated by the national basic code, under the condition without changing the basic coding rules, it successfully realizes the flexible expansion of meteorological equipment categories, automatically identifies the attribution of multi-level management and automatically classifies in and out of warehouse management, meets the needs of meteorological equipment management based on Internet of Things technology. It has been implemented and applied in Guangdong meteorological equipment management system, and the effect of operation is well.

Keywords: meteorological equipment; extended coding; informatization; system design


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