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BIM 插件平台开发探究
(1. 湖南工程职业技术学院,湖南 长沙 410151;2. 中建五局创新研究院,湖南 长沙 410000)

摘  要:建筑工业化带动了建筑信息化的发展,BIM 技术是建筑信息化中的主要技术,在信息化模型的开发过程中作为BIM 技术的主要开发平台的 Revit 出现许多实际应用问题,平台开放的 API 接口给二次开发提供了可能,但目前市场二次开发插件还处于散、乱、杂的状态,注重解决个别问题,统一的平台管理将有助于插件市场的有序发展。文章以实际设计项目为例从问题分析、现状研究、开发思路、技术框架、开发流程等方面阐述,为推进 BIM 插件平台发展理论和技术方面的研究思路。



基金项目:湖南省建设教育人力资源协会课题《BIM 插件平台开发与应用研究》

中图分类号:TP311                                       文献标识码:A                                   文章编号:2096-4706(2022)14-0119-05

BIM Plug-in Platform Development and Exploration

CAI Long¹, CHEN Hongjie¹, LIU Xusheng¹, HUANG Jiajun²

(1.Hunan Vocational College of Engineering, Changsha 410151, China; 2.Innovation Research Institute of China Construction Fifth Engineering Bureau, Changsha 410000, China)

Abstract: Building industrialization has driven the development of building informatization. BIM Technology is the main technology in building informatization. In the development process of informatization model, Revit, as the main development platform of BIM technology, has many practical application problems. The open API interface of the platform provides the possibility for secondary development. However, at present, the secondary development plug-in in the market is still in the scattered, messy and miscellaneous state, and pays attention to solving individual problems. Unified platform management will contribute to the orderly development of the plug-in market. Taking the actual design project as an example, this paper expounds from the aspects of problem analysis, current situation research, development idea, technical framework and development process and so on. It develops the research ideas of theory and technology aspects for promoting BIM plug-in platform.

Keywords: BIM; Plug-in; secondary development; platform


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作者简介:蔡龙 (1988.11—),男,汉族,湖南益阳人,工程师,硕士研究生,研究方向:建筑信息化技术、BIM 技术、施工技术;谌红杰(1992.10—),男,汉族,湖南溆浦人,工程师,本科,研究方向:数字建造与数字设计的落地应用。