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基于 MFC 的人工报靶程序设计
(92124 部队,辽宁 大连 116023)

摘  要:文章基于目标安全控制软件需要人工添加目标靶信息这一情况,从流程设计、功能实现、实验验证等方面论述了基于 MFC 的人工报靶程序设计过程。在自动报靶系统出现故障时,该软件可以通过人工添加目标靶的方式不间断地向安全控制监视软件更新目标靶的位置,最后通过实验验证了该软件的可行性,具有良好的应用推广价值。



中图分类号:TP311                                                文献标识码:A                              文章编号:2096-4706(2022)14-0123-03

Design of Manual Target Reporting Program Based on MFC

LIU Chunguang, ZHANG Yaning

(Unit 92124 of PLA, Dalian 116023, China)

Abstract: Based on the situation that the target safety control software needs to add target information manually, this paper discusses the design process of manual target reporting program based on MFC from the aspects of process design, function realization, experimental verification and so on. When the automatic target reporting system fails, the software can continuously update the location of the target to the safety monitoring software by manually adding the target. Finally, the feasibility of the software is verified by experiments, which has good application and promotion value.

Keywords: MFC; target information; manual adding


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