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(马鞍山学院 经济与管理学院,安徽 马鞍山 243100)

摘  要:居民出行数据是制定城市交通规划的重要依据。传统的问卷调查方式费时费力、样本采集率低、数据整理时间长、数据有效性低,成本高昂。结合“互联网 +”思维,文章以居民出行问卷调查系统为研究对象,设计了居民出行问卷调查微信小程序平台及其管理平台。小程序采用基于云函数的分布式架构,管理平台采用 B/S 架构,使用 MySQL 数据库存储。文章重点介绍系统功能结构设计、总体架构以及小程序云函数架构、数据模型设计。



中图分类号 :TP311                                           文献标识码 :A                                  文章编号:2096-4706(2022)14-0126-04

Design of Resident Travel Survey Applet Based on WeChat Platform

FANG Yuan, ZHAN Feng, MA Duochun

(School of Economics and Management, Ma’anshan University, Maanshan 243100, China)

Abstract: Resident travel data is an important basis for formulating urban transport planning. The traditional questionnaire survey method is time-consuming and laborious, with low sample collection rate, long data processing time, low data validity and high cost. Combined with the “Internet+” thinking, this paper takes the resident travel questionnaire survey system as the research object, and designs the WeChat applet platform of resident travel questionnaire survey and its management platform. The applet adopts the distributed architecture based on cloud functions, and the management platform adopts the B/S architecture and uses MySQL database for storage. This paper focuses on the system function structure design, overall architecture, and the applet cloud function architecture, data model design.

Keywords: resident travel; WeChat applet; cloud function; distributed; B/S 


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