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基于 Petri 网方法的智能变电站故障诊断方法研究
(国网山西省电力公司 岚县供电公司,山西 吕梁 035200)

摘  要:智能变电站的发展,使变电站的构成更加繁杂,影响了智能变电站故障的快速诊断。但智能变电站的广泛应用,也极大增加了电网信息采集量,为采用数据分析的手段进行智能变电站故障快速诊断提供了数据基础。在此背景下,文章针对智能变电站及其故障特点,以一个具体的变电站故障实例,分析了 Petri 网数据分析技术在智能变电站故障诊断中的具体应用流程与方法,为智能变电站故障的精准与快速诊断提供借鉴。

关键词:智能变电站;Petri 网方法;数据挖掘技术


中图分类号:TP18                                            文献标识码:A                                  文章编号:2096-4706(2022)15-0097-04

Research on Fault Diagnosis Method of Intelligent Substation Based on Petri Net Method


(Lanxian County Power Supply Company, State Grid Shanxi Electric Power Company, Lyuliang 035200, China)

Abstract: The development of intelligent substation makes the composition of substation more complicated, which affects the rapid fault diagnosis of intelligent substation. But the wide application of intelligent substation has greatly increased the amount of power grid information collection, which provides a data basis for rapid fault diagnosis of intelligent substation by means of data analysis. In this context, according to the intelligent substation and its fault characteristics, taking a specific substation fault example, this paper analyzes the specific application process and method of Petri net data analysis technology in intelligent substation fault diagnosis, which provides a reference for the accurate and rapid fault diagnosis of intelligent substation.

Keywords: intelligent substation; Petri net method; data mining technology


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