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(天津工业大学,天津 300387)

摘  要:最近几年我国制造业已经从增量市场转为存量市场,我国制造业存在大量的产能过剩,所以对产品市场进行调查,按照需求生产成为企业在竞争中取得优势的决定性因素。在大规模批量化生产模式越来越多地被引入企业并充分发挥作用的情况下,产能过剩的发生变得不可避免。在当前条件下,解决工业产能过剩的终极手段就是信息穿透,通过揭开从消费者到制造商之间的信息迷雾来避免产能的过剩。可以通过用户画像发现潜在的消费者,然后使用仿真软件对该供应链进行检验。仿真结果对当前我国制造业的供应链有重要启示。

关键词:用户画像;供应链;拉动生产;AnyLogic 仿真


中图分类号:TP391.9                                      文献标识码:A                                  文章编号:2096-4706(2022)15-0101-04

Design and Simulation of Manufacturing Industry Supply Chain Based on User Portrait

LIU Liang, QI Siyuan

(Tiangong University, Tianjin 300387, China)

Abstract: China's manufacturing industry has changed from incremental market to stock market in recent years, and there is a large amount of overcapacity in China's manufacturing industry. Therefore, to investigate the product market and produce according to the demand have become the decisive factor for enterprises to gain advantages in the competition. Under the circumstance that the mode of large-scale mass production is more and more introduced into enterprises and given full play, the occurrence of overcapacity becomes inevitable. Under the current conditions, the ultimate means to solve industrial overcapacity is information penetration, which can avoid overcapacity by opening the information fog between consumers and manufacturers. Potential consumers can be identified through user profiles and then the supply chain can be verified using simulation software. The simulation results have important implications for the supply chain of China's manufacturing industry.

Keywords: user portrait; supply chain; pull production; AnyLogic simulation


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