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高校图书馆读者服务微信平台设计实现与运行策略 ——以西安翻译学院图书馆微信公众平台为例
(西安翻译学院图书馆,陕西 西安 710105)

摘  要:高校图书馆微信公众平台已经成为图书馆读者服务不可缺少的交流工具,通过对图书馆建立微信公众平台设计思路、目标、实现方式与运营策略的研究,可以加强图书馆在互联网上的读者服务,并增强图书馆在高校师生中的影响力。研究认为高校图书馆微信平台应采取强化互动、丰富微信公众平台的内容和形式以及建立专业的运营团队等策略。



中图分类号:TP39                                         文献标识码:A                                        文章编号:2096-4706(2022)15-0109-04

Design, Implementation and Operation Strategy of WeChat Platform for Reader Service in University Libraries—Taking the WeChat Public Platform of Xi'an Fanyi University Library as an Example

WANG Lining

(Xi'an Fanyi University Library, Xi'an 710105, China)

Abstract: The WeChat public platform of university libraries has become an indispensable communication tool for library reader services. Through the research on the design ideas, goals, realization methods and operation strategies of establishing the WeChat public platform of libraries, it could strengthen the online reader service of library, and enhance the influence among college teachers and students of library. The research believes that the WeChat platform of university libraries should adopt strategies such as strengthening interaction, enriching the content and form of WeChat public platform, and establishing a professional operation team and so on.

Keywords: university library; WeChat public platform; reader service; design


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