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(深圳安泰创新科技股份有限公司,广东 深圳 518000)

摘  要:精准医疗是当前医疗重要的发展方向。文章围绕着使用先进的人工智能支撑技术手段如何促进精准医疗,主要讨论人工智能系统融入医疗过程,以提供分病种、分医疗阶段的形式赋能精准医疗开展临床决策辅助所包含的内容,同时也探讨了人工智能产品如何合规的融入医疗生态当中,最后也对人类与人工智能的关系——协作还是对抗——表达了自己的观点。

关键词:精准医疗;人工智能决策辅助;AI 智能诊疗及其合规


中图分类号:TP18                                                  文献标识码:A                              文章编号:2096-4706(2022)15-0104-05

Research on Future Precision Medicine Empowered by Artificial Intelligence Decision Aid

LI Taihe, ZHANG Jianmin

(Shenzhen Antai Innovation Technology Co., Ltd., Shenzhen 518000, China)

Abstract: Precision medicine is an important development direction of medical treatment. Focusing on how to promote precision medicine by using advanced artificial intelligence support technology, this paper mainly discusses the integration of artificial intelligence system into the medical process to provide the content of enabling precision medicine to carry out clinical decision-making assistance in the form of disease type and medical stage, and also discusses how the artificial intelligence products can be integrated into the medical ecology in compliance, finally, I also expressed my views on the relationship between human and artificial intelligence - cooperation or confrontation.

Keywords: precision medicine; artificial intelligence decision aid; AI intelligent diagnosis and treatment and its compliance


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