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摘  要:动态海报设计是伴有一定节奏韵律的动效设计,也是可以进行互动的视觉传达设计。创意不受局限,可以展现更加绚丽多彩的视觉特效,以增强视觉冲击力,将观者带入其中。文章通过分析动态海报的功能优势,明确其自身的特点,以Processing 编程的方式实现绘画、动画和交互,将中国传统文化的视觉特征应用于动态海报的设计之中。相较于其他设计软件,Processing 编程拓宽了设计者的创作手段和渠道,将理性思维与感性设计充分结合,为每个作品注入灵魂,潜移默化地将其精神内涵传递给目标受众,引起人们的情感共鸣。




中图分类号:TP39                                         文献标识码:A                                   文章编号:2096-4706(2022)15-0119-04

Programming and Interaction in Poster Design

ZHANG Huiyi, JIANG Keyan

(Tianjin Normal University, Tianjin 300387, China)

Abstract: Dynamic poster design is a dynamic effect design with a certain rhythm, and also a visual communication design that can be interactive. Creativity is not limited, and it can show more colorful visual effects to enhance the visual impact and bring the viewer into it. By analyzing the functional advantages of dynamic posters, this paper clarifies its own characteristics, realizes painting, animation and interaction by Processing programming, and applies the visual characteristics of Chinese traditional culture to the design of dynamic posters. Compared with other design software, Processing programming broadens the creative means and channels of designers, fully combines rational thinking with perceptual design, injects soul into each work, subtly transmits its spiritual connotation to the target audience, and causes people's emotional resonance.

Keywords: dynamic poster; Processing; interaction design; programming


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