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(通号通信信息集团有限公司,北京 100070)

摘  要:铁路综合视频监控系统智能运维方案对铁路综合视频监控系统的发展现状、未来趋势及运维工作中的问题做了调查,结合视频图像质量诊断技术、Zabbix 网络监控技术、信息处理技术,研究摄像机图像质量、系统软硬件设施运行状况和网络状况等数据的实时采集与数据分析,为用户提供数据统计、故障预警、故障告警、故障处理等功能,实现铁路综合视频监控系统的一体化全方位管控。



中图分类号:U29-39;TP277                            文献标识码:A                                   文章编号:2096-4706(2022)16-0145-05

Research on Intelligent Operation and Maintenance Scheme of Railway Integrated Video Monitoring System

MA Zhanzhong

(CRSC Communication & Information Group Co., Ltd., Beijing 100070, China)

Abstract: The intelligent operation and maintenance scheme of railway integrated video monitoring system investigates the development status, future trend and problems in operation and maintenance work of railway integrated video monitoring system. Combined with video image quality diagnosis technology, Zabbix network monitoring technology and information processing technology, it studies the real-time collection and data analysis of camera image quality, operation status of system software and hardware facilities and network status and other data. It provides users with data statistics, fault early warning, fault alarm, fault handling and other functions, realizes the integrated and all-round management and monitoring of railway integrated video monitoring system.

Keywords: railway integrated video monitoring system; video image quality diagnosis; network monitoring; Zabbix 


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