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(徐州生物工程职业技术学院,江苏 徐州 221006)

摘  要:为了进一步规范高校新生入学资格复查工作,提升工作效率,设计了一种基于人脸识别的新生入学资格复查系统。该系统包括手机端和 PC 端,手机端主要用于扫描新生身份证件和照片采集,自动检测人脸区域,提取人脸特征数据并上传到服务器进行管理,PC 端主要用于管理新生资格复查相关数据,包括新生数据导入、新生入学管理、身份复查进度统计以及打印入学资格复查单等。经过测试,该系统能高效完成新生入学资格复查工作,且准确率达到 98%。




中图分类号:TP311                                        文献标识码:A                                文章编号:2096-4706(2022)16-0149-04

Design of Freshman Enrollment Qualification Review Management System Based on the Front and Rear End Separation

GUO Jianwei

(Xuzhou Vocational College of Bioengineering, Xuzhou 221006, China)

Abstract: In order to further standardize the review of college freshmen enrollment qualification and improve work efficiency, a review system of freshmen enrollment qualification based on face recognition is designed. The system includes mobile terminal and PC terminal. Mobile terminal is mainly used to scan freshmen identification documents and collect photos, detect automatically the face area, extract the face feature data and upload to the server for management. PC terminal is mainly used to manage the relevant data of freshmen qualification review, which includes freshman data import, freshman enrollment management, identification review progress statistics and printed enrollment qualification review sheet and so on. After testing, the system can efficiently complete the review work of freshman enrollment qualification, and the accuracy rate is 98%.

Keywords: face detection; face recognition; freshman enrollment; qualification review; front and rear end separation architecture


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