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(佛山市轨道交通发展有限公司,广东 佛山 528000)

摘  要:分析地铁行车调度维修施工中调度命令自动生成的关键点和难点,提出利用蚁群算法解决调度命令自动生成中列车运行路径问题,同时结合实际运作的特殊情况,在蚁群算法模型中引入有效路径模型,对无效路径进行剔除,以达到快速收敛及有效路径的输出,供调度员选择,最后利用 C# 进行模拟仿真。结果表明,加入有效路径模型后能快速收敛,且收敛过程中出现局部最优解的情况大大减少。



中图分类号:TP18;U29-3                              文献标识码:A                                文章编号:2096-4706(2022)17-0105-05

Research on Automatic Generation of Subway Dispatching Command Train Route

DENG Chunjing

(Foshan Metro Co., Ltd., Foshan 528000, China)

Abstract: This paper analyzes the key points and difficulties of automatic generation of dispatching commands in subway traffic dispatching and maintenance construction, and proposes an ant colony algorithm to solve train operation path problems in automatic generation of dispatching commands. At the same time, combined with the special situation of actual operation, the effective path model is introduced into the ant colony algorithm model to eliminate the invalid path, so as to achieve rapid convergence and the output of effective path for the dispatcher to choose. Finally, C # is used for simulation. The results show that the effective path model can converge quickly, and the occurrence of local optimal solution in the convergence process is greatly reduced.

Keywords: dispatching command; automatic generation; ant colony algorithm; effective path model


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