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2001—2022 年英语学习倦怠研究现状与趋势 ——基于 CiteSpace 和计量可视化分析
(西安工程大学,陕西 西安 710600)

摘  要:以中国知网数据库中 2001—2022 年间收录的 212 篇英语学习倦怠研究的期刊论文作为数据来源,运用 CiteSpace和计量工具,对其进行了全面的可视化分析。结果显示:这 20 年间国内英语学业倦怠经历了起步、发展成熟和瓶颈期这三个阶段;研究趋势则由英语学习倦怠的理论转向外语教学实践研究并开始关注学习者的情感因素等方面。鉴于此,未来研究应深度挖掘英语学习倦怠研究内容、研究方法、多维的研究视角,从而促进国内英语学习倦怠研究的进一步发展,并采取有针对性的方法去降低学生的英语学习倦怠情绪。



中图分类号:TP391                                       文献标识码:A                                    文章编号:2096-4706(2022)16-0157-04

Research Status and Trend of English Learning Burnout from 2001 to 2022—Based on CiteSpace and Metrological Visualization Analysis Tool

HE Jie, HU Yan

(Xi'an Polytechnic University, Xi'an 710600, China)

Abstract: Based on 212 journal papers on English learning burnout collected in CNKI database from 2001 to 2022, this paper makes a comprehensive visual analysis by using CiteSpace and measurement tools. The results show that in the past two decades, domestic English academic burnout has experienced three stages: starting, development and maturity, and bottleneck period; The research trend has shifted from the theory of English learning burnout to the research of foreign language teaching practice, and it begins to pay attention to emotional factors and other aspects of learners. In view of this, future research should deeply delve the research contents, research methods and multidimensional research  perspectives of English learning burnout, so as to promote the further development of domestic English learning burnout research and take targeted methods to reduce the English learning burnout emotion of students.

Keywords: English learning burnout; research hotspot; research trend; visual analysis


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