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(国营长虹机械厂,广西 桂林 541002)

摘  要:下视系统在超远距离工作时,其靶面安装误差严重影响图像采集精度。由于加工工艺水平的限制,下视系统在生产装配时由于人工等因素导致靶面在所难免地存在镜头和光电模块的相对安装位置误差和相对指向安装误差,最终导致地垂点未在像面中心范围内。为了消除靶面装配误差的影响,结合实际加工和装配情况,理论推导误差模型,考虑在实际加工装配时所可能产生的靶面安装误差影响因素,得到综合考虑后的靶面指向安装误差以及判断依据。



中图分类号:TN219                                       文献标识码:A                                  文章编号:2096-4706(2022)17-0113-04

Research on Target Plane Error Technology of Downview System

LI Li, WANG Hong

(State-Owned Changhong Machinery Factory, Guilin 541002, China)

Abstract: The installation error of the target surface seriously affects the accuracy of image acquisition when the downview system works at a very long distance. Due to the limitation of the processing technology level and artificial factors during the production and assembly of the downview system, the target surface inevitably has the relative installation position error and the relative pointing installation error of the lens and photoelectric module, and finally the land vertical point is not within the center range of the image surface. In order to eliminate the influence of the target surface assembly error, combined with the actual processing and assembly situation, it deduces the error model theoretically, considers the influence factors of the target surface installation error that might be generated during the actual processing and assembly, and obtains the target surface pointing installation error and the judgment basis after comprehensive consideration.

Keywords: downview system; land vertical point; target surface installation error


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