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(福建省地震局,福建 福州 350003)

摘  要:福建省地震局自主研发的地震预警系统于 2018 年 5 月 12 日经授权正式为社会民众提供服务。为保障系统安全稳定地运行,需要结合信息技术的发展以及预警算法的更新,对系统的技术架构、功能、算法等进行优化。该系统的算法复杂,模块繁多,产出结果影响面大,在不断优化的过程中,需提升项目管理的规范化和精细化水平。文章从地震预警系统的实际功能出发,分析了其优化工作的难度和挑战,提出了稳态 + 敏态相结合的多元项目管理模式。



中图分类号:TP39                                           文献标识码:A                                 文章编号:2096-4706(2022)17-0116-05

Research on Improving the Quality and Efficiency of Earthquake Early Warning System Project Management

ZHOU Shiwen, YU Weiheng, ZHOU Yueyong

(Fujian Earthquake Agency, Fuzhou 350003, China)

Abstract: The earthquake early warning system independently developed by Fujian Earthquake Agency was officially authorized to provide services to the public on May 12, 2018. In order to ensure the safe and stable operation of the system, it is necessary to optimize the technical architecture, functions and algorithms of the system in combination with the development of information technology and the update of early warning algorithm. The system has complex algorithms and many modules, and its output results have a large impact; hence in the process of continuous optimization, it is necessary to improve the standardization and refinement level of project management. Based on the actual functions of earthquake early warning system, this paper analyzes difficulty and challenge of its optimization work, and puts forward a diversified project management mode combining stable state and sensitive state.

Keywords: earthquake early warning; project management; stable state; sensitive state; diversified project management mode


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