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(中国人民银行乌鲁木齐中心支行,新疆 乌鲁木齐 830002)

摘  要:视频监控系统作为安防系统重要的组成部分,视频录像资料保存的完整性和准确性直接关系到安防系统的效能。随着近年来安防系统的信息化、规范化、标准化建设,对视频监控系统的可靠性方面提出了新要求,通过对比不同类型视频存储设备,提出根据每个类别存储设备特点,在不同应用场景选择不同类型的视频存储设备方法,并对发行库视频监控系统存储精细化管理手段进行分析和研究,通过精细化管理手段充分发挥存储设备效能,达到提升存储利用率和降低成本的目的。



中图分类号:TP277                                        文献标识码:A                                    文章编号:2096-4706(2022)18-0135-04

Research on Refined Management of Video Surveillance System


(Wulumuqi Central Sub-branch, The People’s Bank of China, Urumqi 830002, China)

Abstract: The video surveillance system is an important part of the security system, and the integrity and accuracy of the video recording data preservation is directly related to the efficiency of the security system. In recent years, with the information, normalization and standardization of security systems, new requirements have been put forward for the reliability aspect of video surveillance system. Through comparing the different types of video storage devices, it proposes to select the different types of video storage device method in different application scenarios according to the storage device characteristics of each category. And it analyzes and researches the refined management method of video surveillance system storage in distribution library, develops fully the performance of storage device through refined management method, and achieves the purpose of improving storage utilization and reducing costs.

Keywords: video surveillance; cloud storage; refined management


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