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(1. 中国自然资源经济研究院,北京 101149;2. 北京城市学院,北京 100083)

摘  要:最新的地质调查项目预算标准出台后,传统的完全依靠手工对照预算标准编制项目预算的方式凸显不足,为此通过对地质调查项目预算编制系统的全面分析,提出整体系统建设思路和工作分解,并据此研发出一个以地质调查项目预算编制为核心的网络化支撑服务系统。该系统可充分满足地质调查项目承担单位、预算审查专家、预算管理单位、预算标准制定单位等对预算编制信息化的现实需求,实现了对地质调查项目预算编制的统一管理,预算数据的统一存储。




中图分类号:TP311                                        文献标识码:A                                  文章编号:2096-4706(2022)18-0138-04

Design and Implementation of Budget Preparation System for Geological Survey Project

LIU Xiewei 1,2, LUAN Peng1

(1.Chinese Academy of Natural Resources Economics, Beijing 101149, China; 2.Beijing City University, Beijing 100083, China)

Abstract: After the introduction of the latest geological survey project budget standard, the traditional way of preparing the project budget completely relying on manual comparison with the budget standard has highlighted its shortcomings. Therefore, through a comprehensive analysis of the geological survey project budget preparation system, this paper proposes the overall system construction idea and work breakdown, and accordingly develops a networked support service system with the geological survey project budget preparation as the core. The system can fully meet the practical needs of geological survey project undertaking units, budget review experts, budget management units, budget standard setting units for the informatization of budget preparation, realizing the unified management of geological survey project budget preparation and the unified storage of budget data.

Keywords: geological survey; budget preparation; system


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