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(中国交通信息科技集团有限公司,北京 100032)

摘  要:地铁综合监控系统主要功能是对轨道交通系统各机电设备进行实时监控及对各系统进行实时的协调联动。港口散货自动化流程控制系统主要功能是对码头内各类输送设备、辅助设备及辅助系统的实时监控与联动。文章对跨行业的两种控制系统的系统架构简要对比,分析综合监控系统在港口散货自动化码头运用的可行性,探讨基于综合监控系统架构的散货自动化流程控制系统的实际使用场景及功能提升。



中图分类号:TP277                                       文献标识码:A                                  文章编号:2096-4706(2022)18-0151-04

Discussion on Application of Comprehensive Monitoring System in the Port Bulk Cargo Automation Terminal

LI Zihao

(China Communications Information Technology Group Co., Ltd., Beijing 100032, China)

Abstract: The main function of the metro comprehensive monitoring system is to monitor each mechanical and electrical equipment of the rail transit system in real time, coordinate and link each system in real time. The main function of the port bulk cargo automation process control system is the real-time monitoring and linkage of all kinds of conveying equipment, auxiliary equipment and auxiliary systems in the wharf. This paper makes a brief comparison of the system architectures of the two cross-industry control systems, analyzes the feasibility of the application of the comprehensive monitoring system in the port bulk cargo automation terminal, and discusses the actual application scenarios and function improvement of the bulk cargo automatic process control system based on the comprehensive monitoring system architecture.

Keywords: comprehensive monitoring system; process control system; port; metro


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