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(1. 黄河勘测规划设计研究院有限公司,河南 郑州 450003;2. 云河(河南)信息科技有限公司,河南 郑州 450003)

摘  要:工程巡检是工程运行管理单位对工程管理的重要手段,水利工程的巡检方式大多采用人工巡检,无法及时掌握巡检实况,对巡检发现的问题无法进行闭关的信息化管控。该研究针对这些问题提出一套水利工程巡检系统,构建巡检任务、巡检计划、巡检记录和问题管理为一体的闭环管控。管理人员派发巡检任务,可实时查询巡检过程、处理上报问题等,做到巡检过程有记录、处理过程可追踪,最终实现水利工程巡检管理的数字化和巡检流程的规范化。



中图分类号:TP39                                         文献标识码:A                                     文章编号:2096-4706(2022)19-0106-04

Research and Application of Patrol Inspection System for Water Conservancy Projects

HUO Jianwei 1,2, ZHANG Junhui 1,2, CUI Jidong2, LI Yongsheng2

(1.Yellow River Engineering Consulting Co., Ltd., Zhengzhou 450003, China; 2.Yunhe (Henan) Information Technology Co., Ltd., Zhengzhou 450003, China)

Abstract: Project patrol inspection is an important means of project management by the project operation management unit. Most of the patrol inspection methods of water conservancy projects use manual patrol inspection, so it is impossible to grasp the actual situation of patrol inspection in time, and it is impossible to carry out closed information management and control for the problems found in patrol inspection. This research proposes a set of water conservancy project patrol inspection system to solve these problems, and constructs a closed-loop management and control integrating patrol inspection tasks, patrol inspection plans, patrol inspection records and problem management. The management personnel assign patrol inspection tasks, which can query the patrol inspection process in real time and deal with the reported problems, so that the patrol inspection process can be recorded and the processing process can be traced, and finally realize the digitalization of the patrol inspection management of water conservancy projects and the standardization of the patrol inspection process.

Keywords: water conservancy project patrol inspection; mobile patrol inspection; water conservancy project patrol inspection system; standardized patrol inspection


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