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基于 Fluent 的管壳式换热器进气管组件 结构优化数值模拟
(山东华宇工学院,山东 德州 253034)

摘  要:为分析换热器内部结构的优化调整对换热器性能的影响,基于 Fluent 对不同结构下管壳式换热器进气管组件的结构进行模拟,然后分别对产生的温度场、速度场等进行分析,研究不同换热器进气管组件的结构对换热器制热效果的影响。最终发现圆形阵列的个数影响着换热器的温度场与速度场,管道个数越多,换热器的换热能力越强,所以在换热器进气管组件结构的调整中,增加进气口端的管道个数会使换热器的换热效果得以优化。




中图分类号:TP391.9                                       文献标识码:A                                文章编号:2096-4706(2022)20-0111-05

Numerical Simulation of Inlet Pipe Assembly Structure Optimization of Shell and Tube Heat Exchanger Based on Fluent

WANG Zheng, DONG Min

(Shandong Huayu University of Technology, Dezhou 253034, China)

Abstract: In order to analyze the influence of the optimization adjustment of the internal structure of the heat exchanger on the performance of the heat exchanger, the structure of the inlet pipe assembly of the shell and tube heat exchanger under different structures is simulated based on Fluent, and then the generated temperature field and velocity field are analyzed respectively to study the influence of the structure of the inlet pipe assembly of different heat exchangers on the heat generation effect of the heat exchanger. Finally, it is found that the number of circular arrays affects the temperature field and velocity field of the heat exchanger. The more pipes there are, the stronger the heat exchange capacity of the heat exchanger. Therefore, in the adjustment of the structure of the inlet pipe assembly of the heat exchanger, increasing the number of pipes at the inlet end will optimize the heat exchange effect of the heat exchanger.

Keywords: Fluent; shell and tube heat exchanger; structure; temperature field; velocity field


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