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(重庆市轨道交通(集团)有限公司,重庆 401120)

摘  要:城市轨道交通供电系统结构复杂,保护类型繁多,系统在运行过程中往往存在交流系统、直流系统、杂散电流系统相互叠加的情况,给城市轨道交通供电设备保护误动作的分析带来困难。基于这种复杂、多变的电磁环境,文章从介绍城市轨道交通直流牵引系统逆流保护的设置及原理入手,结合重庆市轨道交通某线路发生的多站逆流保护误动作故障的典型案例,从故障现象分析、原因排查、解决措施的角度进行阐述,总结处理该类典型故障的经验,为运营同行或新线建设提供参考借鉴。



中图分类号:U231.8                                           文献标识码:A                                  文章编号:2096-4706(2022)20-0106-05

Malfunction Analysis of Multi Station Reverse Current Protection in Urban Rail Transit DC System

CHENG Xiaoke

(Chongqing Rail Transit (Group) Co., Ltd., Chongqing 401120, China)

Abstract: The power supply system of urban rail transit has a complex structure and a wide range of protection types. During the operation of the system, AC system, DC system and stray current system often overlap each other, which make it difficult to analyze the protection malfunction of power supply equipment of urban rail transit. Based on this complex and changeable electromagnetic environment, this paper starts with the introduction of the setting and principle of the reverse current protection of the DC traction system of urban rail transit, combined with the typical case of the multi station reverse current protection malfunction on a line of Chongqing rail transit, from the perspective of fault phenomenon analysis, cause troubleshooting, and solutions, summarizes the experience of handling this type of typical fault, and provides reference for the operation peers or new line construction.

Keywords: rail transit; reverse current protection; malfunction; fault analysis


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