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(东南大学,南京 210096)

摘  要:浩瀚宇宙中存在许多未解之谜,亟需建立宇宙大统一模型。文章提出了旋转足球状奇点外宇宙模型,讨论了宇宙星系旋转的运动力学规律;进行了恒星级黑洞、星系级黑洞和宇宙级黑洞的内部分层结构研究,分析了宇宙大爆炸的原因,提出了黑洞引力辐射的新理论;建立了能量纠缠引力波的麦克斯韦方程组,进行了引力子的理论讨论;针对强引力场状况下高速运动物质的引力问题,提出了万有引力的修正公式。观察宇宙,了解宇宙,建立宇宙大统一的模型探讨,合理解释宇宙运动规律,具有重要的研究意义。



中图分类号:P159.3                                     文献标注码:A                                  文章编号:2096-4706(2022)20-0131-06

Research on the Unified Model of the Universe

XU Wenping, WANG Tianyu, CHEN Ruofei, CHEN Jingning, LI Muhang

(Southeast University, Nanjing 210096, China)

Abstract: There are many unsolved mysteries in the vast universe, so it is urgent to establish a universal unified model. In this paper, an outer universe model with rotating soccer like singularities is proposed, and laws of motion mechanics of the rotation of cosmic galaxies are discussed; the inner layered structure of stellar black holes, galactic black holes and cosmic black holes is studied, the cause of the Big Bang is analyzed, and a new theory of gravitational radiation of black holes is put forward; the Maxwell equations of energy entangled gravitational wave are established, and the theory of graviton is discussed; a modified formula of universal gravitation is proposed to solve the problem of gravitation of high-speed moving matter under strong gravitational field. It is of great significance to observe the universe, understand the universe, establish the unified model of the universe, and reasonably explain the laws of cosmic motion.

Keywords: galactic rotation; the big bang; black hole radiation; graviton; correction of the formula of universal gravitation


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