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(中国电建集团贵州电力设计研究院有限公司,贵州 贵阳 550081)

摘  要:数字经济时代的管网平台除基本的可视化、自动化管理需求以提质增效外,应兼具节本降耗功能,实现管网全方位、多维度的综合运维管理,达到真正意义上的智慧水平。文章以园区为例,利用数字孪生技术,围绕园区多种能源管网运维需求,从数据生产与接入、服务汇聚与融合、业务集成与统一等方面开展研究与分析,构建了“标准化、开放化、集约化”的一站式智慧管网解决方案,辅助园区实现管网全过程、全要素、全参与方的数字化、在线化、可视化和智能化,赋能园区和城市管理发展与降本增效。



中图分类号:TP39                                          文献标识码:A                                 文章编号:2096-4706(2022)21-0128-04

A One-Stop Smart Pipeline Network Solution Based on Digital Twin

CHEN Yuran, CHENG Qiumiao, HU Yaorong

(PowerChina Guizhou Electric Power Engineering Co., Ltd., Guiyang 550081, China)

Abstract: In addition to the basic visualization and automation management needs to improve quality and efficiency, the pipeline network platform in the digital economy era should also have the function of cost saving and consumption reduction to realize comprehensive operation and maintenance management of pipeline network in all aspects and multiple dimensions to build a smart system in real sense. Taking the park as an example, around the operation and maintenance needs of various energy pipeline network in the park, this paper uses the digital twin technology to research and analyze the data production and access, service convergence and integration, as well as business integration and unification and other aspects, and constructs a one-stop smart pipeline network solution of which is “standardized, open, and intensive”. It helps the park to realize the digitalization, online, visualization and intelligence of the whole process, all elements and all participants of the pipeline network. It enables the management and development of the park and the city, and achieves the cost reduction and efficiency increase.

Keywords: smart pipeline network; park; digital twin; solution


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作者简介:陈雨然(1991—),女,土家族,贵州凤冈人,工程师,硕士研究生,主要研究方向:GIS 研发工作。