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智慧校园框架下推动高校图书馆数据治理的 实践与思考 ——以北京化工大学图书馆为例
(1. 北京化工大学图书馆,北京 100029;2. 北京化工大学信息中心,北京 100029)

摘  要:文章介绍了北京化工大学图书馆参与到学校整体信息化战略发展布局中,依托学校数据共享中心开展图书馆数据治理的实践探索,对学校数据共享中心的功能与架构、读者信息数据同步与图书馆基于大数据智慧墙系统建设的具体实施过程进行了阐述,并从学校大数据中心的全局性统筹调度、图书馆的积极参与为智慧校园整体化数据治理注入活力以及多方的协同合作等几个方面总结经验。




中图分类号:TP39                                          文献标识码:A                                      文章编号:2096-4706(2022)22-0093-04

Practice and Thinking of Promoting University Library Data Governance under the Framework of Smart Campus—Taking Beijing University of Chemical Technology Library as an Example

WANG Ting1, LIU Shumei 2, XIE Zhimin1

(1.Beijing University of Chemical Technology Library, Beijing 100029, China; 2.Beijing University of Chemical Technology Information Center, Beijing 100029, China)

Abstract: This paper introduces the practice and exploration of Beijing University of Chemical Technology Library participating in the overall informatization strategic development layout of the university and relying on the university data sharing center to carry out library data governance. It also illustrates the function and framework of the university data sharing center, the specific implementation process of the synchronization of reader information data and the library wisdom wall system construction based on big data. Then it summarizes the experience from the overall planning and scheduling of the university big data center, the active participation of Library injecting new vitality into integrated data governance of smart campus, and multi-party cooperation.

Keywords: smart campus; university library; data governance


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