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(中国联合网络通信有限公司济源市分公司,河南 济源,459000)

摘  要:行中需要基层乡镇干部群众执行登记、核算、管理等基础性工作,数据统计工作量较大,不能实现自动、智能运转,极大地限制了积分制的广泛应用。文章从破解积分制在实际应用中遇到的问题出发,提出一种基于微信小程序的基层社会治理积分制应用的开发设想,供行业管理者参考借鉴。



中图分类号:TP39                                             文献标识码:A                                   文章编号:2096-4706(2022)22-0097-04

Research on the Application of Credit System for Grass-roots Social Governance Based on WeChat Applet

LI Zhao

(Jiyuan Branch of China United Network Communications Corporation Limited, Jiyuan 459000, China)

Abstract: In recent years, with the strong promotion of governments at all levels, the credit system has gradually penetrated into the field of grass-roots social governance. However, due to the lack of informatization tools, the actual operation of the credit system requires grassroots township cadres and masses to perform basic work such as registration, accounting, management, etc. The workload of data statistics is large, and automatic and intelligent operation cannot be realized, which greatly limits the wide application of the credit system. Starting from solving the problems encountered in the practical application of the credit system, this paper proposes a development idea of the application of the credit system for grass-roots social governance based on WeChat applet for the reference of industry managers.

Keywords: credit system; applet; social governance


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