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基于 HyperWorks 的一种悬臂类铝型材的有限元 模拟研究
(乳源东阳光机械有限公司,广东 韶关 512721)

摘  要:通过对悬臂类铝型材的有限元模拟,研究悬臂类铝型材挤压模具的总体高度、铝型材的厚度和铝型材的宽度对模具强度的影响。通过正交试验方法研究这三种影响因素对悬臂类铝型材挤压模具强度影响的主次性并寻找最优组合的悬臂类铝型材挤压模具。结果表明,铝型材挤压模具的高度对下模具最大应变值影响显著,影响主次顺序为铝型材挤压模具的高度、挤压型材的厚度、铝型材的宽度。



中图分类号:TP391.9                                     文献标识码:A                                  文章编号:2096-4706(2022)22-0105-04

Research on Finite Element Simulation of a Cantilever Aluminum Profile Based on HyperWorks

HONG Tianquan, WANG Peng, ZENG Fansheng

(Ruyuan East Sunshine Machinery Co., Ltd., Shaoguan 512721, China)

Abstract: Through the finite element simulation of cantilever aluminum profiles, the influence of the overall height of the extrusion die in cantilever aluminum profile, the thickness of aluminum profiles and the width of aluminum profiles on the die strength is studied. The primary and secondary effects of these three factors on the strength of the cantilever aluminum profile extrusion die are studied by orthogonal test method, and the optimal combination of the cantilever aluminum profile extrusion die is found. The results show that the height of the aluminum profile extrusion die has a significant effect on the maximum strain value of the lower die. The primary and secondary order of influence is the height of the aluminum profile extrusion die, the thickness of the extrusion profile, and the width of the aluminum profile.

Keywords: cantilever; extrusion die; finite element; HyperWorks 


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