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(沈阳仪表科学研究院有限公司,辽宁 沈阳 110043)

摘  要:提出了一种融入精益改善思想的简易生产信息管理系统。系统融合了移动设备采集数据的便携性、台式计算机分析数据的高效性、云空间不限时空的存储性,通过模拟企业组织架构和信息流传递过程,在不增加投入和工作量的基础上,实现生产信息的多级管理。经过试点车间一年多的试运行,生产数据更新频率和统计表格生成速度都有显著提高。数据错误、丢失现象基本消失,解决了中小企业数字化转型阶段的信息管理需求。



中图分类号:TP39                                         文献标识码:A                                    文章编号:2096-4706(2022)22-0109-04

Production Information Management System Based on Mobile Terminal and Cloud Technology

MU Jiali, YANG Wenhua, HU Wenwen, LIN Xiaomin, REN Shaopeng

(Shenyang Academy of Instrumentation Science Co., Ltd., Shenyang 110043, China)

Abstract: A simple production information management system integrating lean improvement idea is proposed in this paper. It integrates the portability of mobile devices to collect data, the high efficiency of desktop computer to analyze data, and the storage of cloud space without limitation of time and space. It simulates enterprise organizational structure and information flow transmission process, and realizes multi-level management of production information without increasing input and workload. After more than a year of trial operation of the pilot workshop, the frequency of production data update and the speed of statistical table generation have been significantly improved. The phenomenon of data error and loss basically disappear. It solves the information management needs of small and mediumsized enterprises in the stage of digital transformation.

Keywords: production information management; mobile terminal; cloud technology; digital transformation


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