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(福建工程学院,福建 福州 350118)

摘  要:高校信息化建设在国内的关注度不断提高,传统的管理手段已经不能满足教育高质量发展的要求,兼顾使用者需求的日益变化,市场现有软件产品性能的充分激发、管理手段与时俱进的创新,已成为业务管理部门大数据时代深化改革的重点发展方向。研究 G 高校采购与资产一体信息化建设实施路径,基于 PDCA 循环法分析地方高校采资管理在信息化建设中的相应策略,总结项目现状并提出优化措施,为数字校园的创新发展提供参考借鉴。



基金项目:福建工程学院 2019 年教育科学研究(GJ-YB-19-13) 

中图分类号:TP311                                          文献标识码:A                                      文章编号:2096-4706(2022)23-0103-05

Research on the Informatization Construction Path of the Integration of Procurement and Assets Management in Colleges in the Big Data Era


(Fujian University of Technology, Fuzhou 350118, China)

Abstract: With the increasing attention paid to the informatization construction of colleges in China, the traditional management methods can no longer meet the  requirements of high-quality development of education. Considering the changing needs of users, the full stimulation of the performance of existing software products in  the market and the innovation of management methods that keep pace with the times have become the key development direction for business management  departments to deepen the reform in the big data era. Study the implementation path of the integration of G colleges procurement and asset informatization  construction, analyze the corresponding strategies of local colleges procurement and assets management in informatization construction based on PDCA cycle method, summarize the project status and propose optimization measures, so as to provide reference for the innovative development of digital campus. Keywords: college informatization; information system construction; informatization of integrated procurement and asset management; PDCA 


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