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以智慧博物馆为导向的革命类博物馆数字化建设 ——重庆红岩革命历史博物馆数字化工作实践与展望
(重庆红岩革命历史博物馆,重庆 400043)

摘  要:随着 5G 技术、大数据、云计算、区块链、人工智能等信息科技的发展,整个社会数字化应用程度越来越高。博物馆事业也顺应时代发展,积极开展数字化、智慧化建设,智慧博物馆成为博物馆的发展趋势。文章重点介绍了重庆红岩革命历史博物馆数字化建设工作实践及成果,并对未来智慧博物馆建设进行了展望,以期提升智慧博物馆建设的质量和水平。



中图分类号:TP39                                           文献标识码:A                                 文章编号:2096-4706(2022)23-0108-04

Digital Construction of Revolutionary Museum Guided by Smart Museum—Practice and Prospect of Digitalization Work in Chongqing Hongyan Revolutionary History Museum

ZHANG Xiaoxia

(Chongqing Hongyan Revolutionary History Museum, Chongqing 400043, China)

Abstract: With the development of 5G technology, big data, cloud computing, blockchain, Artificial Intelligence and other information technologies, the application level of digitization in the whole society is increasing. The museum industry also conforms to the development of the times and actively carries out digital and smart construction. Smart museums have become the development trend of museums. This paper focuses on the practice and achievements of the digital construction of Chongqing Hongyan Revolutionary History Museum, and looks forward to the future construction of smart museum, in order to improve the quality and level of smart museum construction

Keywords: Hongyan Museum; smart museum; digital museum


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