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程煜¹,李济廷 ² ,韩明 ³
(1. 军委政治工作部军事人力资源保障中心,北京 100032;2. 军事科学院,北京 100071;3. 国防大学,北京 100091)

摘  要:在目前网络招聘成为主流招聘手段的背景下,产生了大量和求职者与岗位相关的数据,其中“技能”便是求职者和岗位之间的桥梁。文章围绕如何从繁多的招聘文本数据中抽取技能实体展开研究,将这一过程建模为命名实体识别任务,并基于深度学习的方法构建技能实体抽取模型。文章以 IT 领域为例,从网络招聘岗位描述文本中抽取技能实体,并对这些实体进行分析,为该领域的求职者提供了一定的参考和导向。




中图分类号:TP399                                        文献标志码:A                                  文章编号:2095-2945(2022)23-0112-05

Research on Skill Entity Extraction Based on Deep Learning

CHENG Yu1, LI Jiting2, HAN Ming3

(1.Military Human Resources Support Center, Beijing 100032, China; 2.Chinese Academy of Military Science, Beijing 100071, China; 3.National Defense University, Beijing 100091, China)

Abstract: Under the background that online recruitment has become the mainstream recruitment method, a large number of data related to job seekers and positions have been generated, among which “skills” is the bridge between them. This paper focuses on how to extract skill entities from a wide range of recruitment text data to study, modeling this process as named entity recognition task, and building a skill entity extraction model based on deep learning method. Taking the IT field as an example, this paper extracts skill entities from the job description text of online recruitment, and analyzes these entities, which provides a certain reference and guidance for job seekers in this field.

Keywords: online recruitment; skill entity; deep learning; named entity recognition


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