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华杨¹,康华西 ¹,孔令翔 ¹ ,高森孟 ²
(1. 西华大学 美术与设计学院,四川 成都 610039;2. 四川旅游学院 艺术学院,四川 成都 610100)

摘  要:在银发经济快速发展的背景下,针对老年游客在景区游览过程中发生疾病需要应急处理的现象,通过智慧旅游中“互联网 +”医疗技术融合旅游景区治理服务,提升救助水平,保障老年旅游人群生命安全与优化其旅游便利体验。通过构建用户画像及问卷调查的方法发掘内在需求,构建以自然景观旅游环境为基础的公共应急策略,并进行“医疗救助站”设计实践与眼动仪实验可行性验证。将科技创新融入旅游产业,能够有效提升游客旅游质量,增强全民的社会责任感和安全感,为“互联网 +”医疗体系的健全提供更多参考。




中图分类号:TP302.1                                        文献标识码:A                                  文章编号:2096-4706(2022)23-0137-04

Design of Elderly Public Emergency Medical System under the Background of Smart Tourism

HUA Yang1, KANG Huaxi 1, KONG Lingxiang1, GAO Senmeng2

(1.School of Art and Design, Xihua University, Chengdu 610039, China; 2.School of Art ,Sichuan Tourism University, Chengdu 610100, China)

Abstract: Against the background of the rapid development of the silver-haired economy, in view of the phenomenon that elderly tourists need emergency treatment when they have diseases in the scenic area, the “Internet+” medical technology in smart tourism is used to integrate scenic area governance services, improve the level of assistance, ensure the life safety of elderly tourists and optimize their tourism convenience experience. Through the construction of user portraits and questionnaires, we explore the internal needs, built a public emergency strategy based on the natural landscape tourism environment, carry out the design practice of the “medical aid station” and feasibility verification of eye tracker experiment. Integrating scientific and technological innovation into the tourism industry can effectively improve the tourism quality of tourists, enhance the sense of social responsibility and security of the whole people, and provide more references for the improvement of the “Internet+” medical system.

Keywords: smart tourism; elderly tourist; emergency medical treatment; Internet of thing


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