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马东晓 ¹ ,戈燕红 ² ,舒少君 ¹
(1. 宇星科技发展(深圳)有限公司,广东 深圳 518052;2. 广东盈峰科技有限公司,广东 佛山 528322)

摘  要:水站的运维管理,目前行业里较多的是根据数据管理需求及运维管理需求,只实现了面对不同用户群的局部电子化,在现有的国家水站运维中,较大程度上靠增大运维频次来保证运维质量,运维成本较高,文章结合大数据、云计算、深度学习等新技术形成综合性的一站一档智能电子化管控方案,为水站的运维管理提供一种新工具,降低运维成本,提高运维质量,并结合其在国家水站运维管理中的实际运用情况对水站的管理及其进一步发展进行思考总结和展望。



中图分类号:TP39                                          文献标识码:A                                  文章编号:2096-4706(2022)23-0140-04

Research on Operation and Maintenance Information Processing and Innovative Application Scheme of Environmental Protection Automatic Monitoring Instrument

MA Dongxiao1, GE Yanhong2, SHU Shaojun1

(1.Universtar Science & Technology (Shenzhen) Co., Ltd., Shenzhen 518052, China; 2.Infore Environment Technology Group Stock Co., Ltd., Foshan 528322, China)

Abstract: The operation and maintenance management of water station is mainly based on data management requirements and operation and maintenance management requirements in the industry, and it only realizes local electronization for different user groups. In the operation and maintenance of existing national water stations, to a larger extent, it relies on increasing the frequency of operation and maintenance to ensure the quality of operation and maintenance. This paper combines with new technologies such as big data, cloud computing and deep learning to form a comprehensive one-station and one gear intelligent electronic control scheme, provides a new tool for operation and maintenance management of water station, so as to reduce the operation and maintenance cost, and improve operation and maintenance quality. And it combined with its actual application situation in the national water station operation and maintenance management, thinks, summarizes and expects the management and further development of the water station.

Keywords: water station; measurement and control instrument; one station and one gear; convenient access; automatic learning


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