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(华南师范大学附属中学,广东 广州 510630)

摘  要:随着校园档案数据量的不断增加,原有档案信息系统的不足日益显露,例如系统模块分散、数据无法互通、数据结构不规范,数据量的日益增加导致存储困难、数据安全度低等问题。该文主要研究了基于 HDFS 分布式大数据存储平台的档案管理系统,采用系统性的智慧校园数字化设计模式和软件工程管理方法,规范化的档案数据格式和采集流程,较好地解决了上述档案管理问题,有效地提高了校园档案管理效率和档案使用的便利性。



中图分类号:TP391                                         文献标识码:A                                 文章编号:2096-4706(2022)24-0131-04

Research and Design of Digital Archive Construction in Smart Campus Based on Big Data

WU Zhanbin

(The Affiliated High School of SCNU, Guangzhou 510630, China)

Abstract: With the continuous increase of campus archive data, the shortcomings of the original archive information system are increasingly exposed, such as the dispersion of system modules, the inability to communicate data, the nonstandard data structure, the increasing amount of data leading to storage difficulties, low data security and other issues. This paper mainly studies the archives management system based on the HDFS distributed big data storage platform, adopts the systematic intelligent campus digital design mode and software engineering management method, standardized archives data format and collection process, which better solves the above archives management problems, and effectively improves the efficiency of campus archives management and the convenience of archives use.

Keywords: big data; smart campus; campus archive; informatization construction


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