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(中山市沙溪理工学校,广东 中山 528471)

摘  要:以中职学校为研究对象,研究和分析中职学校的教学需求,为提高中职学校的教学质量和考证通过率,设计一个基于 B/S 结构网络环境的在线考试系统。提出了具体的系统分析和设计方法,实现了用户管理、题库管理、试卷管理、专题练习、考试管理、成绩查询和分析等功能,对中职学校在线考试管理具有较强的实际意义。目前考试系统正常运行,能满足中等职业学校正常教学需求。



中图分类号:TP39;G43                                  文献标识码:A                                  文章编号:2096-4706(2022)24-0134-04

Design and Implementation of Online Examination System for Secondary Vocational Schools

LI Fang

(Shaxi Vocational School of Zhongshan, Zhongshan 528471, China)

Abstract: Taking secondary vocational schools as the research object, this paper studies and analyzes the teaching needs of secondary vocational schools, and designs an online examination system based on B/S structure network environment for improving the teaching quality and pass rate of examination of secondary vocational schools. The specific system analysis and design methods are proposed, and the functions of user management, question bank management, examination paper management, special exercises, examination management, score query and analysis are realized, which has strong practical significance for online examination management of secondary vocational schools. At present, the examination system is running normally, which can meet the normal teaching needs of secondary vocational schools.

Keywords: online examination system; secondary vocational school; question bank


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