摘 要:为守护绿水青山,保障森林生态安全,做好森林火灾预防及扑救工作至关重要。合理利用水可有效防治森林火灾,凭借 5G 通信的超可靠、低时延技术优势,依托物联网技术和智慧控制系统,对龙眼洞林场进行了 1 km 智慧喷淋防灭火林带设计建设和试验,系统实现了对林火的 24 h 全天候自动监测预防及扑灭。该项试验将水灭火与智能技术相结合,为国有林场等森林防灭火重点地区的防灭火提供了可推广、可借鉴、可复制的参考方案。
中图分类号:TN929.5;S762.3 文献标识码:A 文章编号:2096-4706(2023)01-0119-05
Design of 5G Smart Spraying Fire Prevention and Extinguishing Forest Belt System in Longyandong Forest Farm of Guangdong Province
CHEN Fuqiang1, HE Yingquan2, WANG Qiaotian3, GUO Yong1, HONG Wei 1
(1.Longyandong Forest Farm of Guangdong Province, Guangzhou 510520, China; 2.Forestry Investigating and Planning Institute of Guangdong Province, Guangzhou 510520, China; 3.Guangdong Infoview Technology Co., Ltd., Guangzhou 510115, China)
Abstract: In order to protect green mountains and lucid waters and ensure forest ecological security, it is essential to do a good job in forest fire prevention and fighting. Rational use of water can effectively prevent and control forest fires. With the super reliable and low delay technology advantage of 5G communication, relying on the Internet of Things technology and intelligent control system, this paper has designed, built and tested a 1 km smart spraying fire prevention and extinguishing forest belt in Longyandong Forest Farm. Which has systematically realized 24-hour automatic monitoring, prevention and extinguishment of forest fires. This test combines water fire fighting with intelligent technology, providing a reference scheme that can be popularized, used for reference and replicated for fire fighting in key areas of forest fire fighting such as state-owned forest farms.
Keywords: 5G; automatic spraying fire prevention and extinguishing forest belt; automatic spraying technology; forest intelligent fire-fighting
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