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(江苏省泰兴中等专业学校,江苏,泰州 225400)

摘  要:导学单在学生的预习中发挥着至关重要的作用,开发导学单线上学习平台,对激发学生的学习兴趣,提高教学资源利用率和教学管理水平有着重要的意义。然而,当前有很多的学习平台功能复杂、操作繁琐,缺乏导学单的针对性和快捷性,为此,文章从导学单线上学习平台的现状及背景分析出发,提出平台开发的技术假设及技术解决路径,最终实现了导学单线上学习平台的构建,实现了平台的“展示学习内容、知识学习、学习准备、成果上传”功能。



中图分类号:TP311                                              文献标识码:A                                文章编号:2096-4706(2023)01-0123-04

Research on the Development of Guided Learning Sheet Online Learning Platform Based on WeChat Applet

ZHANG Guangjun

(Jiangsu Taixing Secondary Specialized School, Taizhou 225400, China)

Abstract: The guided learning sheet plays a vital role in students' preview. The development of the guided learning sheet online learning platform is of great significance to stimulate students' interest in learning, improve the utilization of teaching resources and the level of teaching management. However, there are many learning platforms with complex functions and complicated operations at present, lacking the pertinence and rapidity of the guided learning sheet. Therefore, this paper proposes the technical assumptions and technical solution path for platform development from the analysis of the current situation and background of the guided learning sheet online learning platform, and finally realizes the construction of the guided learning sheet online learning platform, realizing the platform's functions of “displaying learning content, knowledge learning, learning preparation, and uploading results”.

Keywords: guided learning sheet; learning platform; classroom quality and efficiency; applet


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