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(盐城工学院,江苏 盐城 224051)

摘  要:单目标线性规划模型是在一组线性条件约束下,寻求某一单一目标的最优值,适用于极值问题的求解。弗洛伊德算法是一种通过动态规划的思想寻找给定的加权图中多源点间最短路径的算法。文章建立了基于背包问题的单目标线性规划模型,给出了在只有一名玩家,且事先已知游戏阶段天气状况下玩家的最优策略。通过弗洛伊德算法求解出了相应节点间的最短路径,得到了玩家的最终剩余资金。



中图分类号:TP391                                        文献标识码:A                                       文章编号:2096-4706(2023)01-0127-05

Research on Desert Crossing Strategy Based on Single Objective Linear Programming

YANG Chengjing, SHEN Weihong, GUO Xiaomin

(Yancheng Institute of Technology, Yancheng 224051, China)

Abstract: The single objective linear programming model seeks the optimal value of a single objective under a set of linear condition constraints and is suitable for solving extreme value problems. Freudian algorithm is an algorithm to find the shortest path among multiple source nodes in a given weighted graph based on dynamic programming idea. In this paper, a single objective linear programming model based on the knapsack problem is established, and the optimal strategy is given under the condition of only one player and the weather in the game stage is known in advance. The shortest path among corresponding nodes is solved by Freudian algorithm, and the final remaining funds of players are obtained.

Keywords: single objective linear programming; Floyd algorithm; optimal strategy


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