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(广东电网有限责任公司湛江供电局,广东 湛江 524005)

摘  要:一直以来,供电企业始终坚持“发现问题是巡察工作生命线”的工作理念,秉承站在“巡察整改不落实就是对党不忠诚”的高度抓好每一项整改工作。随着企业数字化转型的不断深入,连同新技术带来的契机,传统的巡察整改方式已无法满足当前的巡察整改要求,需深入探索巡察整改全过程管控新模式,优化制度流程,研发并依托智慧巡察管控平台,精准聚焦并全力摆脱制约企业发展的短板,切实做细做足巡察工作。



中图分类号:TP39;D262.6                                 文献标识码:A                             文章编号:2096-4706(2023)03-0114-05

Research on New Patrol Rectification Mode Based on Intelligent Patrol Control Platform

ZHENG Mangying, WU Yibin

(Zhanjiang Power Supply Bureau of Guangdong Power Grid Corporation, Zhanjiang 524005, China)

Abstract: All along, power supply enterprises have always adhered to the working philosophy of “finding problems is the lifeblood of inspection work”, adhering to standing the height of “failure to implement inspection and rectification is disloyal to the Party” to do a good job in every rectification work. With the continuous deepening of the enterprise's digital transformation, together with the opportunities brought by new technologies, the traditional inspection and rectification methods can no longer meet the current inspection and rectification requirements. It is necessary to further explore the new management and control mode of the whole process of inspection and rectification, optimize the system and process, research and develop and rely on the intelligent inspection and management platform, accurately focus on and spare no effort to get rid of the weaknesses that restrict the enterprise's development, and earnestly do a good job of inspection.

Keywords: inspection; rectification; digitization


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