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基于 CiteSpace 的网络问答社区研究的可视化分析及启示
迟秀铭 1 ,房旭辉 2 ,郭顺利 2
(1. 莱山区图书馆,山东 烟台 264003;2. 曲阜师范大学 传媒学院,山东 日照 276826)

摘  要:梳理中外网络问答社区的研究热点及其发展脉络,总结国内外网络问答社区研究的异同,以期为我国网络问答社区研究提供新思路和指导。以 Web of Science 和 CNKI 为文献来源,运用 CiteSpace 软件对国内外网络问答社区研究热点进行可视化比较分析。我国未来网络问答社区研究需要深化完善已有的研究领域,扩大研究范围,创新研究方法,增强创新意识,将研究成果应用到网络问答社区运营管理实践中。




中图分类号:TP391                                         文献标识码:A                              文章编号:2096-4706(2023)04-0125-05

Visual Analysis and Enlightenment of the Research on Network Q&A Community Based on CiteSpace

CHI Xiuming1, FANG Xuhui 2, GUO ShunLi 2

(1.Laishan Library, Yantai 264003, China; 2.School of Communication, Qufu Normal University, Rizhao 276826, China)

Abstract: This paper sorts out the research hotspots and development context of the network Q&A community at home and abroad, and summarizes the similarities and differences of the research of the network Q&A community at home and abroad, with a view to providing new ideas and guidance for the research of the network Q&A community in China. It takes Web of Science and CNKI as the source of literature, and uses CiteSpace software to visually compare and analyze the research hotspots of network Q&A community at home and abroad. In the future, China's network Q&A community research needs to deepen and improve the existing research fields, expand the research scope, innovate research methods, enhance innovation awareness, and apply the research results to the operation and management of network Q&A community.

Keywords: Q&A community; CiteSpace; comparative analysis; scientific knowledge graph


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