摘 要:随着智能时代的到来,混融教学成为学术界关注的热点话题。运用文献计量的方法,以 2012—2022 年中国知网(CNKI)数据库中混融教学相关的核心期刊为研究对象,借助 CiteSpace 软件进行可视化分析,从文献发表时间、作者、机构、关键词等方面进行分析,展现混融教学现状的知识图谱。通过研究发现,理论研究、实践应用、资源建设是学者们研究混融教学的关注点,并得出研究现状、研究主题、研究热点三方面结论。
中图分类号:TP391 文献标识码:A 文章编号:2096-4706(2023)04-0153-05
Visualization Analysis of Present Situation of Blending Learning Research in China—Based on Core Journals from 2012 to 2022
QIN Jiani, WU Xiangwen
(School of Education and Science, Ningxia Normal University, Guyuan 756000, China)
Abstract: With the advent of the intelligent era, blending learning has become a hot topic in academia circle. By using the bibliometric method, this paper takes the core journals related to blending learning in the CNKI database from 2012 to 2022 as the research object, and uses the CiteSpace software to carry out the visual analysis. The knowledge map of the present situation of blending learning is displayed from the aspects of literature publication time, authors, institutions and keywords. Through the research, it is found that theoretical research, praxis application and resource construction are the focus of scholars ' research on blending learning. Three aspects of conclusions are drawn of present research situation, research topics and research hotspots.
Keywords: blending learning; bibliometrics; CiteSpace; visualization
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