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(广州软件学院,广东 广州 510990)

摘  要:知识图谱作为一种结构化的组织方式,不仅能够帮助学习者定位所需的信息,还能关联其他信息,提高学习效率。文章对构建数据结构知识图谱进行研究,主要研究内容包括通过网络爬虫技术获取和处理数据集,设计以 RDF 数据模型为知识图谱的建模方法,采用 BiLSTM+CRF 模型的知识抽取方法,最后通过图数据库进行存储和可视化,使学习者明确学习方向,也为后续该学科的应用提供数据基础。



中图分类号:TP311                                      文献标识码:A                                    文章编号:2096-4706(2023)04-0171-04

Knowledge Graph Construction and Visualization Research Based on Data Structure

YAN Yiting, Huang Wenjie

(Software Engineering Institute of Guangzhou, Guangzhou 510990, China)

Abstract: As a structured organization, knowledge map can not only help learners locate the information they need, but also link other information to improve learning efficiency. This paper studies the construction of data structure knowledge graph. The main research contents include acquiring and processing data sets through web crawler technology, designing a modeling method using RDF data model as knowledge graph, using the knowledge extraction method based on BiLSTM+CRF model, finally, the graph database is used for storage and visualization to make learners clear their learning direction and provide a data basis for the subsequent application of this discipline.

Keywords: Knowledge Graph; data structure; knowledge extraction; graph database


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