摘 要:为加快落实国家相关政策,实现疫情科学精准防控,最大限度降低疫情对学校教学、科研等活动的影响,学校信息化部门始终致力于疫情防控的信息化“技防”工作,先后实现了应急响应和常态化两种形势下的疫情防控。实际运行情况表明,疫情防控相关数据和驾驶舱及时、准确、稳定,为学校疫情防控的有序有效管理和资源精准投入提供了重要依据和保障。文章对学校的疫情防控信息化“技防”工作进行了总结,以期为其他高校提供有价值的参考。
中图分类号:TP39 文献标识码:A 文章编号:2096-4706(2023)06-0116-05
Exploration and Practice of Informatization “Technical Prevention” of Epidemic Prevention and Control in Colleges and Universities
LIU Jia, CONG Jianwei, LI Zefeng
(Harbin Engineering University, Harbin 150001, China)
Abstract: In order to quickly implement relevant national policies, achieve scientific and accurate prevention and control of the epidemic, and minimize the impact of the epidemic on school teaching, scientific research and other activities, the school's informatization department has always been committed to the informatization “technical prevention” work of epidemic prevention and control,and has successively achieved epidemic prevention and control under two situations of emergency response and normalization. The actual operation has proved that the data related to epidemic prevention and control and the cockpit are timely, accurate and stable, providing an important basis and guarantee for the orderly and effective management of school epidemic prevention and control and the accurate investment of resources. This paper summarizes the informatization “technical prevention” work of the school's epidemic prevention and control, so as to provide valuable reference for other universities.
Keywords: epidemic prevention and control; informatization “technical prevention”; data governance
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