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(江苏海洋大学 计算机工程学院,江苏 连云港 222005)

摘  要:近年来,随着互联网的高速发展和软件市场规模的快速提升,在各类软件项目研发过程中,出现了软件测试周期长、需求变动后难以快速迭代等诸多问题。鉴于此,文章在探究敏捷开发和敏捷测试优势和特点的基础上,构建了软件质量智能分析平台。该平台以图书馆智能管理系统作为测试案例,展示了覆盖全过程的测试管理功能,使得团队协作更高效、数据分析更智能。



基金项目:2022-2023 年度连云港市社会科学基金项目(22LKT0019);2021 年江苏省大学生创新创业项目(202111641099Y);2022 年江苏省计算机学会教学类项目(JSCS2022028);2021年江苏海洋大学教育教学改革项目(JGX2021019)

中图分类号:TP311                                             文献标识码:A                                    文章编号:2096-4706(2023)06-0120-04

Research on the Construction of Software Quality Intelligent Analysis Platform

YANG Yu, WANG Bo, XU Zhenyang, QIAN Jiachen

(School of Computer Engineering, Jiangsu Ocean University, Lianyungang 222005, China)

Abstract: In recent years, with the rapid development of the Internet and the rapid improvement of the software market scale, many problems have emerged in the process of various software project research and development, such as long software testing cycle, difficult to quickly iterate after demand changes, and so on. In view of this, based on exploring the advantages and characteristics of agile development and agile testing, this paper constructs an intelligent software quality analysis platform. The platform takes the library intelligent management system as a test case, showing the test management function covering the whole process, which makes team collaboration more efficient and data analysis more intelligent.

Keywords: software development; agile testing; teamwork; software quality analysis


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