摘 要:本文基于高校大学生在读证明打印的业务流程,提出了通过校园网上办事大厅完成线上申请审批,学生持校园卡完成身份识别,并实现自助打印的设计方案。系统组成包括线上审批流程及线下打印终端。学生身份和在读信息从校园主数据中心获取,在读证明通过加盖学工印章和添加二维码实现防伪,方案的可行性已经在实际使用中得到了验证。
中图分类号:TP334.8;TP311.52 文献标识码:A 文章编号:2096-4706(2018)08-0132-03
Design and Implementation for Self-printing System of Student Status Certificatefor College Students
LI Fu,CHEN Si,LI Chengfeng,HU Jun
(Nanjing University of Science and Technology,Nanjing 210094,China)
Abstract:Based on the printing process of student status certificate for college students,this paper focuses on the design proposal of realizing application through campus online office,and self-help printing after passing ID verification by campus card. The system is comprised of online application process and offline printing terminal. The verification of students’ ID and status is accessed by campus main data center. The anti-counterfeiting of student status certificate is guaranteed by stamp of Students Affairs Office and adding two dimensional code. The feasibility of the proposal has been verified through real practice.
Keywords:student status certificate;self-help printing;online office;campus card;education informatization
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