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(长沙职业技术学院,湖南 长沙 410217)

摘  要:高职院校计算机类专业课程教学讲求理实一体化,特别是对学生的实操要求非常之高,所以它在高职是一门典型的培养学生综合素质的必修课程。针对该专业该门课程的可选择教学模式也有很多,本文主要介绍了混合式教学模式,该模式是新课改背景下高职教育改革的核心内容,它能够有效提高学生的计算机应用基础能力,丰富课程教学内容,优化课程教学质量,以达到教学前所预期的教学目标。本文将结合实际教学模式构建与内容分析对混合式教学模式应用进行深度研究。


中图分类号:TP3-4         文献标识码:A         文章编号:2096-4706(2018)09-0121-03

Research on the Application of Blending Teaching Mode inHigher Vocational Computer Courses
AI Juan
(Changsha Vocational & Technical College,Changsha 410217,China)

Abstract:The teaching of computer courses in higher vocational colleges requires the integration of theory and practice, especially the high demand for students’ practical exercises,so it is a required course to train the students’ comprehensive quality in higher vocational education. There are many optional teaching modes for this course. This paper mainly introduces the blending teaching mode,which is the core content of the reform of higher vocational ed ucation under the background of the new curriculum reform. It c aneffectively improve the basic ability of the students’ computer application,enrich the content of the course teaching,and optimizethe quality of the course teaching. In order to achieve the expected teaching goals before teaching. This article will combine the actualteaching mode construction and content analysis to deeply study the application of blended teaching mode.

Keywords:blending teaching mode;higher vocational computer professional course;SPOC;MOOC;teaching design


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