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(浙江东方职业技术学院,浙江 温州 325011)

摘  要:互联网+ 教育4.0 对现有的高职教育作出了更高的要求,不受时空限制的移动课堂在教学效果上已经展现出了明显优势。借助蓝墨云班课的移动交互式课堂能够有效地引导学生自主学习,运用任务驱动式的游戏化教学方式能够激发学生的内在学习动力,让学生乐享互联网移动课堂。本文分析了《酒店办公自动化》移动课堂的设计,提出了几点思考。


中图分类号:G434;TP312.1-4         文献标识码:A         文章编号:2096-4706(2018)09-0124-03

Research on the Design and Application of Mobile Classroom
——Taking Hotel Office Automation as an example
ZHOU Xiaomei
(Zhejiang Dongfang Polytechnic,Wenzhou 325011,China)

Abstract:The internet+ education 4.0 has made higher requirements for the existing higher vocational education. The mobileclassroom which is not restricted by time and space has shown obvious advantages in the teaching effect. The mobile interactive classroomcan effectively guide students to learn independently with the help of Moso Teach class,use the task-driven game-based teaching canstimulate students’ internal learning motivation and let students enjoy the internet mobile classroom. This paper analyzes the design ofmobile office in Hotel Office Automation,and puts forward some thoughts.

Keywords:smart campus;mobile classroom;game based teaching;interactive teaching


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