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中职平面设计专业信息化教学资源库建设的 探索与实践
(珠海市理工职业技术学校,广东 珠海 519070)

摘  要:信息化教学资源库建设已成为目前教育教学改革的重要手段,教学资源库建设,需整合行业、企业、学校优秀的教学资源,构建以学校主导、行业指导、校企融合的三方建设机制。珠海理工平面设计专业作为优势专业,肩负着为区域发展培养人才的重任。为能够给专业发展提供有力的基础保障,优化和完善平面设计专业教学资源库建设成为当务之急。本文拟对学校平面设计专业教学资源库建设的探索与实践作系统分析。


中图分类号:TP317.4-4;G712        文献标识码:A        文章编号:2096-4706(2019)01-0113-05

Exploration and Practice of Information Teaching Resource Base Construction for Graphic Design Major in Secondary Vocational School

MA Kaiqiang

(Zhuhai Polytechnic Vocational and Technical School,Zhuhai 519070,China)

Abstract:The construction of information-based teaching resource base has become an important methods of education and teaching reform at present. The construction of teaching resource bank needs to integrate excellent teaching resources of industry, enterprise and school,and construct a tripartite construction mechanism of school-led,industry-oriented and school-enterprise integration. As an advantageous specialty,the graphic design major of Zhuhai Polytechnic shoulders the responsibility of training talents for regional development. In order to provide a strong basic guarantee for professional development,it is urgent to optimize and improve the construction of teaching resource base for graphic design. This paper intends to make a systematic analysis of the exploration and practice of the construction of teaching resource Base of graphic design in school.

Keywords:graphic design;resource base;informationized classroom teaching


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作者简介:马开强(1981.09-),男,汉族,安徽蒙城人,本科, 硕士,信息技术中学一级教师,计算机专业部部长,研究方向:职 中计算机。