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(广州市旅游商务职业学校,广东 广州 510280)

摘  要:网站臃肿度,泛指网页的代码资源、图片数量、整体结构的复杂度以及其总体积大小的程度。网页越臃肿,用户在浏览及使用时越容易感到吃力。在众多网站当中,电商类网站是最为复杂的一种网站。其需要展示多种产品数据,要经过多种过滤检索,这导致目前市面上的电商类网站越来越臃肿。本文主要提出臃肿度概念和意义,分析电商网站臃肿原因,并给出一定的优化方案。


中图分类号:TP393.092        文献标识码:A        文章编号:2096-4706(2019)01-0121-03

Research on the Bloated Degree of E-commerce Websites

FENG Weiguang

(Guangzhou Vocational School of Tourism and Business,Guangzhou 510280,China)

Abstract:Website bloated,refers to the page code resources,the number of pictures,the complexity of the overall structure and its overall size of a degree. The more bloated pages,the harder users are browsing and using. Among many websites, e-commerce websites are the most complex websites. It needs to display a variety of product data,through a variety of filtering and retrieval,which leads to the current market of business websites more and more bloated. This paper mainly puts forward the concept and significance of bloated degree,analyzes the reasons for bloated e-commerce websites,and gives some optimization programs.

Keywords:website;bloated degree;website optimization;lazy load


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作者简介:冯伟光(1971.11-),男,汉族,广东广州人, 中级讲师,本科,毕业于广州市师范学院,研究方向:计算机应用。